Morbid, much? Not really. It's a hobby, not a fetish.
I'm an amateur genealogist. I came by this interest through the hard work and diligence of my now-deceased ancestor, Archie C. Talboy, who did a lot of research on one branch of my family back in the days when you really had to work at it.
A few decades later, it's all so much easier: internet sites, email, and online ordering for vital records makes the research so much more accessible. Fortunately, there are still so many mysteries to pursue that the scope of the project can expand to fit your available time and interest. In the unlikely event that you run out of relatives, you can always borrow someone else's!
So on the topic of honoring ancestors who are no longer with us, I suggest you check out this site: Go to the non-famous search and type in a name. You might be surprised at what - or
who - pops up.